copperis important for theIron metabolismand transported, in combination withiron,vital oxygeninto our blood.
Which foods contain copper?
Copper is found in foods such as offal (liver), fish, cereal products, nuts, green vegetables, coffee, tea and cocoa.
The function of copper
Copper activates a variety ofEnzymesin the human body. Some of these enzymes serve the so-calledRespiratory chainThe respiratory chain refers to the metabolic reactions of our body thatEnergy generationfrom our food. Another enzyme activated by copper is theSuperoxide dismutase, which is responsible for the neutralization of free radicals in the body. Other copper-containing enzymes are ceruloplasmin and ferroxidase I, which are of crucial importance for theIron metabolismA too low intake of copper can therefore also lead toAnemia (anemia)To prevent an increased susceptibility to infections, our body also needsimmune systemincreased copper. In addition, copper is responsible for the interweaving of the two supporting connective tissue proteinsCollagen and elastinCollagen and elastin providethe structure and elasticity of the connective tissue.Copper is also important for theColoring of skin, hair and eyes.
When should copper be taken?
Anemia(Anemia): Along withiron Copper can improve anemia caused by copper deficiency.
Antioxidant effect: As a component of superoxide dismutase, copper is involved in the breakdown of free radicals. Free radicals are oxygen compounds that are harmful to the organism.
Am I missing copper?
Already ata relevant pointyour copper supply may be too low:
- Never or rarely eatMeat?
- Use high dosesVitamin C products?