Vitamin B12 – alsoCobalamincalled – refers to various compounds that all contain a cobalt atom. In order for vitamin B12 to be able to pass from the intestine into the body, it must be bound to a specific transport substance that is formed in the stomach: the so-calledIntrinsic factorIf this is not produced sufficiently, for example due to stomach diseases, this can lead to a vitamin B12 deficiency in the long term. Vitamin B12 can be stored in the body for years.
What are the functions of vitamin B12?
Vitamin B12 plays a major role inCell divisionand theBlood formationin the bone marrow and is necessary for normal blood clotting. It also supports the structure and function of the entirenervous system. Vitamin B12 also influences theFolic acid metabolismIf there is a vitamin B12 deficiency, the folic acid stores in the tissue remain inactive, so that a lack of activeFolic acidis created.
Use of vitamin B12
Dietary supplements with vitamin B12 can be useful in a number of cases. For example,veganmake sure you have enoughVitamin B12through appropriate preparations, since it can only be absorbed in significant quantities through animal products. Scientists discovered vitamin B12 during years of research into the causes of a certain form of anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency,Pernicious anemia.
Deficiency symptoms can also be the result ofinflammatory diseases of the gastric mucosa– because the intrinsic factor is then only insufficiently formed.Diseases of the digestive tractcan hinder absorption.
In addition, regular intake of vitamin B12 is suitable forPrevention of arteriosclerosis: In combination with folic acid and vitamin B6, vitamin B12 can reduce elevated homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is considered a risk factor for arteriosclerosis.
Which foods contain vitamin B12?
Larger amounts of the vitamin are found in liver, fish, meat, milk, cheese and eggs. Since vitamin B12 is produced by microorganisms, it is also found in fermented foods such as sauerkraut. Please note: Vitamin B12 isvery sensitive to light and oxygenDuring food preparation, significant amounts of the vitamin are usually lost.
Am I lacking vitamin B12?
If one of the following applies, a supplementary intake of vitamin B12 could be useful for you:
* Are you vegan? (Do you eat only plant-based foods?)
* Are you over 60 years old?
* Have you had stomach surgery? Do you suffer from chronic gastritis?