Without our memory we would be quite helpless. Because it automatically separates allimportantfrom allunimportantInformation and stores it in different places in the humanBrain. Memory serves, so to speak, to store content.Facts and memoriesare stored in the so-called "declarative memory",Behaviors and skillsstored in the "procedural memory". If important content is needed again, the memory usually recalls it immediately. In theadvanced ageFor example, it can lead toErrorsThen the brain’s performance should be trained and with the help ofmemory-supporting nutrientsbe improved.
Training for the memory
Our memory performance andmental fitnesscan be easily trained in everyday life. Withdaily exercisesSimply learn to trust your memory again little by little. We recommendeasy brain teasersor tricky puzzles such asSudoku or crossword puzzle. Certaintechniquescan help you to remember information more easily. Personal pictures, stories and other mnemonics can help youMemoriesmore quickly. In general, you should always try to be confident in yourself. Because the brain calibrates its abilityaccording to what it believes it can achieve. Nevertheless, with all requirements, theFunDon't miss out. Challenge yourself and improve your memory and concentration skills!
Help boost your memory: Vital substance products from Medicom
Vital substances for the brain serve to improve your memory and yourmental performanceIt is not only age that can affect our cognitive abilities. There are also othercausesthat can lead to memory problems. These include professional or private stress, sleep deprivation, poor nutrition or alcohol andSmokeSelected vital substances from Medicom canBrain performanceoptimal support: Omega-3 fatty acids are, for example, inFish, fish oil or linseedpresent. They help the brain to function better.Omega-3 fatty acidscan also stabilize the mood, make it easier to deal with stress and reduce anxiety. Herbal ginkgo extract also stimulates the nervous system through the interaction of flavonoids and terpenes.Oxygen uptake in the brainwhich leads to a Strengthening theShort-term memoryIt also helps to improve the flow properties of the blood and thus the supply of micronutrients.
How the nerves work
In order to communicate in a society, there are power lines and telephone networks.human organismThese tasks are carried out by ourAnnoy. They extend over the entire body and arethree sectionsdivided into:
-Central nervous system (CNS)
-Peripheral nervous system
-Autonomic Nervous System