Under the humanimmune systemyou understand theDefense mechanisms of the body. They protect him from dangerousPathogensandtoxic influencesand support theHealing of woundsand injuries. A distinction is made between the so-calledinnate and learned immune system. With the innate defense system, such as theskin, the sneezing reflex, the cough and the stomach acid, we come into the world, whereas the learned defense mechanisms only develop after repeated contact with pathogens such asGerms or virusesOur immune system creates a kind of "memory" that recognizes which antibodies have already been produced. In the course of life, the immune system has to fight many defensive battles. The healthy body distinguishes between"bad" microorganismssuch as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites and"good" microbesHowimportant intestinal bacteria.
Strength and energy for the immune system
Manyvarious factorscan influence our immune system, such as environmental pollution, professional or privatestress,sleep disordersor one-sidedNutrition. Therefore, always ensure that you have an adequate supply ofimmune-boosting Vital substancesOf particular importance are theTrace elements iron,magnesium,Calciumandzinc.ironis responsible for a functioning oxygen supply to the cells. Zinc ensures anormal enzyme metabolism.Magnesium andCalciumregulate these processes. In addition, a healthy immune system requires the vital substancesselenium,manganese,chrome,siliconand potassium. Of particular relevance for good immune systems are theVitamins Cand A. WithVitamin Astrengthen your mucous membranes, whose first task isFight off pathogensbefore they enter the organism. TheVitamins AandCare mainly found in tomatoes, peppers, carrots and especially in citrus fruits. Medicom offers theVital substances important for your immune systemin sensible combinations. Also use the strengthening powersweet almonds(prebiotic effect) and spices such asGinger,Turmeric,Cinnamon, cumin, oregano and cayenne pepper. Especially inthe cold winter monthshelp,Prevent coldsor to alleviate. A small tip for preserving vitamins: Enjoy fresh vegetables ideally in organic quality, steamed or, even better, prepared raw.