If one speaks commonly ofVitamin EWhat is actually meant when we talk about lipids is several fat-soluble, heat-resistant substances with antioxidant properties, which are alsoTocopherolsThe name tocopherol comes from the Greek words for birth (tokos) and emergence (phero). It can only be formed by photosynthesis in plants and certain bacteria. Tocopherol is therefore particularly concentrated in vegetable oils, such as wheat germ oil, sunflower seed oil or olive oil, but also in nuts, almonds and leafy vegetables. Tocopherol has an antioxidant effect, i.e. it acts as a scavenger ofRadicalsand thus strengthensHeart and circulatory system, muscles, nerve cells and especially theskinIn short, it contributes significantly to cell health.
In addition, tocopherol increases blood flow by reducing leukocyte adhesion and at the same time dilating the blood vessels. Even though our human body cannot produce vitamin E itself, we store our tocopherol reserves quite effectively in the liver and fatty tissue and can thus noticeably improve our well-being - especially when we often feel irritable, tired and unable to concentrate.
Avoid undersupply of tocopherol
A balanced, natural diet with vegetables, vegetable oils and nuts is the basis for ensuring the daily requirement of 10-20 mg of tocopherol per day. However, due to the stress of everyday life, this balanced lifestyle is not or only partially feasible for many. Only about half of the German population reaches the daily recommended tocopherol intake.
Medicom therefore offers a wide range of high quality products such asVitamin E capsulesto provide you with the importantTocopherolor vitamin E and to counteract oxidative stress. Since tocopherols have different effects on the human body, Medicom relies on thebiologically highest quality and most effective tocopherol, the so-called RRR-alpha-tocopherol.
In the Medicom shop you will find more information about the products, including other high-quality vitamin preparations. Don't leave your tocopherol supply to chance. Trust Medicom, the partner at your side, for more vitality and performance in everyday life.