A small selection of the most important medicinal plants
TheMilk thistleis used for example for Strengthening the liver. Theactive ingredient silymarinexercises ahigh protective effect on the liverand prevents possible damage that can be caused by poisoning, inflammation or excessive stress. The medicinal plant milk thistle also accelerates the regeneration of liver cells. Extracts of theartichokealso have a positive effect onGallbladder and liver health. Artichoke promotes bile flow, protects the liver and helps it regenerate.
The best of the medicinal plant in a vital substance preparation
Medicinal plants are free fromSide effects, as can occur with many other medications. However, they score with awide variety of positive effectsMedicom offers a large number of preparations with combinations of vital substances based on medicinal plants that are also really useful. For example,Medicinal plant pepperminta whole range of valuableessential oils, flavonoids and tanninsThe main effect of peppermint is to relieve gastrointestinal complaints. As a medicinal plant, it is not only effective against too much stomach acid, flatulence or pain: peppermint has a holistic effect. This means that it not only relieves cramps, relieves flatulence, stimulates the production of the body's own bile and gastric juices and promotes digestion. In addition, the following additional "desirable side effects" must be expected with peppermint: It makes theupper respiratory tract, has an antibacterial effect, neutralizes bad breath, relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat and even combats headachesIf the active ingredients of peppermint were isolated and taken in high doses, undesirable side effects might occur.