Nobilin Premium
57,00€ Base price 192,50€ / kg
Packungsgewicht für 296.1
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57,00€ Base price 192,50€ / kg
Packungsgewicht für 296.1
-15%3 KAUFEN
Please refer to the individual package inserts for information.
vitamin C | 270mg |
magnesium | 160mg |
natural vitamin E | 51mg |
niacin | 34mg |
natural coenzyme Q10 | 30mg |
Pantothenic acid | 16mg |
Vitamin B6 | 3.4mg |
Beta-carotene | 4.8mg |
Vitamin B2 | 3.2mg |
Vitamin B1 | 2.4mg |
Folic acid | 400 µg |
Biotin | 200 µg |
selenium | 60 µg |
Vitamin B12 | 9 µg |
iron | 4mg |
Calcium | 162mg |
zinc | 5mg |
copper | 1mg |
manganese | 1mg |
fluorine | 0.525mg |
iodine | 100 µg |
molybdenum | 25 µg |
chrome | 25 µg |
Vitamin D3 (200 IU) | 5 µg |
Green tea dry extract | 100mg |
Grape seed dry extract | 50mg |
Citrus bioflavonoids | 20mg |
natural carotenoids (including alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein) | 6mg |
natural lycopene from tomato extract | 6mg |
Take one capsule of each type per day with meals, for example Nobilin Q10 Multivitamin and Nobilin Mineral Plus with breakfast and Nobilin Lyco with lunch or dinner.
Soft gel capsule
Soft gel capsules are particularly easy to digest. Their ingredients are dissolved in oil so that the body can use them optimally and absorb them in the greatest possible purity. Because they have a soft and flexible surface, they are pleasant to swallow. The soft gel capsules also protect the ingredients particularly well against moisture and atmospheric oxygen. However, if you have problems with the size of the capsule, you can warm the soft gel capsule slightly between your palms shortly before consumption so that the surface becomes even more flexible and consumption with plenty of water is more pleasant. If that doesn't work, you can also carefully pierce the capsule shell and suck out the oily capsule contents or stir it into a cold liquid or food.Your body is exposed to a variety of stresses. Whether it's stress, environmental toxins, medication, high-performance sport, illness or the aging process - your need for essential nutrients can often be higher than you can cover through your diet. This is especially true if you don't eat a balanced diet or if you put additional strain on your body by consuming alcohol and nicotine.
In order to feel completely well and fit, you regularly need not only vitamins and minerals but also trace elements, i.e. minerals whose concentration in your body is particularly low.
Nobilin Premium is our top product: 31 carefully selected vital substances make this high-quality multivitamin preparation a special preventive package for your health. The flagship of the Medicom range combines three of our most popular individual preparations and provides you with everything you need for first-class supplementary care.
Nobilin Premium contains all essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements and additional secondary plant substances. To support your energy metabolism, it also contains high-quality natural coenzyme Q10. In this holistic combination developed by our nutritionists, the individual products are optimally coordinated and complement each other.
Nobilin Premium consists of the following three products:
Nobilin Q10 contains essential vitamins as well as 30 milligrams of coenzyme Q10, which, together with the five B vitamins (biotin, B1, B2, B6 and B12), contributes to normal energy metabolism. The extra intake of 30 mg of coenzyme Q10 is particularly useful for people over 40, as the body becomes less and less able to produce the valuable substance itself as we get older.
Nobilin Mineral Plus combines calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc with 7 trace elements and vitamin D - for your comprehensive supply of microminerals. The risk of a deficiency is particularly high when your mineral requirements are increased. For example, due to stress, medication, exercise, diets, tobacco and alcohol consumption or digestive problems.
Nobilin Lyco contains high-quality secondary plant substances from tomatoes (lycopene), red grapes (OPC), green tea and citrus fruits as well as essential vitamins. These secondary plant substances (phytonutrients) are particularly useful if you eat little fruit and vegetables.
The recommended daily dose of 3 soft gel capsules provides you with 30 mg of coenzyme Q10, 6 mg of lycopene from tomatoes, 100 mg of green tea extract, 50 mg of grape seed extract with OPC and 20 mg of citrus bioflavonoids, in addition to many other vital substances. You will not find this combination in any other multi-vitamin preparation.
Good to know : If you are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins), you should also take coenzyme Q10. Statins inhibit the production of Q10 in the body.
Vitamin supplements support the body with essential nutrients in addition to food and prevent vitamin deficiencies. The supply of essential minerals usually occurs independently of such vitamin supplements. Nobilin Premium has a truly multi-vital effect and combines a high-quality vitamin supplement with essential minerals, the coenzyme Q10 and highly antioxidant phytonutrients such as lycopene and OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins).
Our body needs energy to live. It absorbs most of it through food and drink. In each of our cells, mitochondria work like small power plants to convert the nutrients we take in with food into the universal energy carrier ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Coenzyme Q10 plays a key role in this process, known as oxidative phosphorylation. Q10 is considered a vitaminoid because it is structurally related to vitamin K and vitamin E. The reduced, phenolic form is called ubihydroquinone or ubiquinol (QH 2 for short). and is the most active form of the coenzyme.
Organs such as the heart and lungs, which require a lot of energy, have a particularly high concentration of Q10. The body can produce the coenzyme itself. However, production decreases after the age of 30. A balanced diet serves as an external source for Q10 intake. Fish, meat, pulses, nuts, vegetable oils and vegetables such as cabbage, spinach and broccoli are particularly rich in Q10.
If the body does not have enough Q10 available, it cannot produce enough energy in the form of ATP. In addition, a lack of the coenzyme increases the proliferation of free radicals and thus leads to oxidative stress. An important task of our immune system is to protect us from these free radicals, which can be released by environmental influences, stress, medication, cigarettes, alcohol, but also by competitive sports. By binding them in the body, antioxidants protect against free radicals.
According to the dictionary, minerals (also colloquially called “minerals” or “minerals”) are so-called “ inorganic substances ”. They are essential to life and must be supplied through diet. Minerals such as calcium or magnesium and the trace elements required in much lower concentrations (for example copper, zinc or iron) are essential components of many hormones and enzymes and are needed in combination with vitamins for a healthy metabolism. In addition, minerals serve as building blocks for our bones and teeth and connective tissue.
Minerals and trace elements can therefore rightly be described as the "salts of life" and "building blocks of the body". Without them, neither the interaction of our muscles and nerves nor blood formation or growth would work. Essential minerals are calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and phosphorus. The essential trace elements include iodine, selenium, iron, chromium, copper, zinc, manganese and molybdenum. Diet plays a key role in ensuring an adequate supply of these essential vital substances. In some regions, deficiency symptoms are particularly common, especially with regard to iodine and selenium, due to typical diets.
Secondary plant substances are valuable natural substances. They include carotenoids, glucosinolates, sulfides and phytoestrogens. They not only support and protect plants but also have a positive effect on the human organism. Their outstanding properties include their antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Although secondary plant substances are not essential to life, they are far more important for maintaining health than was long assumed. Of the large family of secondary plant substances, the secondary plant substances contained in tomatoes (lycopene), red wine (OPC) and green tea have particularly stood out. It is now certain that many people live particularly healthily because these foods are often on their menu.
Six carotenoids play a special role in the human organism: α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin. Almost all of them act as antioxidants and are said to prevent arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, rheumatism, cataracts and skin aging. Of all food carotenoids, lycopene has the greatest antioxidant potential. Its effect against free radicals is said to be ten times stronger than that of vitamin D. The frequent consumption of (cooked) tomatoes in southern countries is therefore considered to be one reason for the positive effect of the Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular diseases. Its special molecular structure makes Lycopene so unique and a particularly effective antioxidant. One of the most aggressive radicals in particular - the so-called singlet oxygen - is very effectively neutralized by lycopene.
Ingredients in green tea also make it a particularly strong antioxidant. Numerous studies have now shown that regular consumption of green tea or green tea extracts has many health-promoting and preventive effects, for example on obesity, diabetes, inflammation, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and heart disease. These effects are mainly due to the epigallocatechin gallate that is particularly abundant in green tea. But other active ingredients also make green tea so healthy, such as catechins, which are secondary plant substances, and the amino acid L-theanine.
What is particularly interesting about red wine are the oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, or OPC for short. These are compounds that belong to the group of polyphenols. They are found in vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and, of course, in red wine. They are found in particularly high concentrations in grape seeds, so you can enjoy these active ingredients without consuming alcohol. OPC is considered a particularly strong antioxidant and is said to reduce tissue damage, improve blood circulation, inhibit inflammation and generally have a detoxifying effect. It is also said to multiply the effect of vitamin C. In addition, studies suggest that the polyphenols from grapes can kill the bacteria species Streptococcus mutans and thus prevent the formation of plaque and caries.
Tagesdosis (3 Soft-Gel-Kapseln) enthält:
Coenzym Q10 30 mg, plus 30 Vitalstoffe, darunter Vitamine, Mineralstoffe einschließlich Spurenelemente und sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe
Premium Multivitamin CapsulesVitality and ImmunityIn your mid-twenties you have boundless energy. In your mid-forties you can really use this vitality. Now your schedule is usually particularly packed and the demands are particularly high. Basically, life demands the most from you when your natural energy level is already gradually dropping. An active and healthy lifestyle and a good dose of calmness pay off right now.
To ensure that you are supplied with many important nutrients every day, Medicom also supports you and your energy balance with a powerful combination for vitality and well-being. Nobilin Premium combines 3 of our bestsellers: Nobilin Q10 Multivitamin, Nobilin Mineral Plus and Nobilin Lyco. The valuable coenzyme Q10 can be found here in combination with 13 other substances, for example all eight B vitamins. In addition, our power package provides you with particularly important minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, selenium and zinc. The premium range is rounded off with secondary plant substances from green tea, tomatoes and grape seeds.
Q10, auch bekannt als Ubichinon oder Coenzym Q10, ist eine vitaminähnliche Substanz, die im Körper produziert und zum Teil über die Nahrung aufgenommen wird. Allerdings nimmt die körpereigene Herstellung ab dem 30. Lebensjahr immer weiter ab. Ihre biologische Funktion ist die Umwandlung von Energie aus der Nahrung in körpereigene Energie. Die Organe mit dem höchsten Energiebedarf – vor allem Herz, Leber und Lunge – weisen entsprechend die höchste Konzentration an Q10 auf. Ein Defizit an diesem Coenzym führt zu einem deutlich sinkenden Energielevel und einem geschwächten Immunsystem. Neben der Energiegewinnung spielt Coenzym Q10 auch eine wichtige Rolle beim Schutz Deiner Zellen.
Q10 ist zur Steigerung der Lebensqualität besonders effektiv als Multivitamin-Produkt, also in Kombination mit anderen Stoffen, die die Arbeit von Q10 unterstützen. B-Vitamine tragen zum normalen Energiestoffwechsel, zur normalen Nervenfunktion und zum normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel bei. Antioxidantien wie die Vitamine C und E, Beta-Carotin oder Selen tragen zur normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei. Dadurch wird die Power Deines Immunsystems zusätzlich unterstützt.
Mineralstoffe zählen zu den lebensnotwendigen Stoffen und müssen über die Ernährung zugeführt werden. Mengenelemente wie Calcium oder Magnesium und die in deutlich geringerer Konzentration benötigten Spurenelemente (beispielsweise Eisen, Kupfer oder Zink) sind essentielle Bestandteile vieler Hormone und Enzyme und werden im Zusammenspiel mit Vitaminen für einen gesunden Stoffwechsel benötigt. Obendrein dienen Mineralstoffe als Bausteine unserer Knochen und Zähne und des Bindegewebes. Ohne Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente funktioniert weder das Zusammenspiel unserer Muskeln und Nerven noch die Blutbildung oder das Wachstum. Sie können also zu Recht als „Salze des Lebens“ bezeichnet werden.
Nobilin Q10 Multivitamin® ist schon für sich alleine eine besonders hochwertige Nahrungsergänzung, zusammen mit Nobilin Mineral Plus® und Nobilin Lyco® wird es zu Nobilin Premium. Neben Conezym Q10, als Highlight, findest Du in unserer Kombination gesamten Vitamin-B-Komplex. Als zusätzliches Extra liefert Dir Nobilin Premium wertvolle Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente. Und unsere kombinierte Grundversorgung für ein aktives Leben setzt noch eins drauf: Nobilin Premium liefert Dir auch sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe aus Grüntee, Tomaten und Traubenkernen.
Wir liefern Dir ein hochwertige Produktkombination aus gut aufeinander abgestimmten Inhaltsstoffen zu Deiner Grundversorgung für ein aktives Leben und vitales Wohlbefinden. Unsere angenehm zu schluckenden Soft-Gel-Kapseln enthalten die Inhaltsstoffe in Öl gelöst, sodass sie vom Organismus besonders gut verwertet werden können. Zudem werden die Produkte nach GMP-Richtlinien (Gute Herstellungspraxis) produziert – ein hoher Qualitätsstandard für Arzneimittel. Ab dem 30. Lebensjahr produziert Dein Körper nach und nach weniger Q10. Gerade bei einseitiger Ernährung und einem aktiven, anspruchsreichen Alltag ist mit zunehmendem Alter die zusätzliche Versorgung mit Q10 empfehlenswert. Vor allem, wenn du Alkohol bzw. Nikotin konsumierst. Aber auch, wenn du ausgewogen lebst: Eine Studie mit 220 Probanden, die über sechs Monate regelmäßig Nobilin Q10 Multivitamin® eingenommen hatten, konnte sogar zeigen, dass eine zusätzliche Coenzym Q10-Einnahme selbst bei einer ausgewogenen Ernährung für eine aktive Lebensweise sinnvoll ist.
Statine hemmen nicht nur die Cholesterinsynthese, sondern auch die körpereigene Q10-Produktion. Wenn du also Cholesterinsenker (Statine) einnimmst, solltest Du Dich zusätzlich mit Q10 versorgen.
Die drei Produkte von Nobilin Premium sind untereinander abgestimmt und ergänzen sich jeweils. In der empfohlenen Dosierung können die drei Produkte dauerhaft über den Tag verteilt verwendet werden.
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