We now know that valerian Nervous sleep disorders, insomnia, nervous exhaustion as well as Restlessness can help. Valerian calms the soul. In combination with hops, the root of the herb develops its sleep-promoting effect particularly well.
Unlike chemical sleeping pills, valerian does not suppress the REM phase of sleep, which is so important for recovery. You wake up feeling refreshed and without any after-effects. Valerian can be taken as a tea, tincture or in capsule form. A valerian bath is also pleasantly relaxing. However, since it is still not proven which ingredient gives valerian its effect, it is best to choose a preparation that contains all the components of the dried plant. When preparing teas and baths, the fat-soluble ingredients are not taken into account. In capsule form, however, the water-volatile essential oils are also retained.
The perennial valerian grows in damp meadows, on river banks and in damp forests. Valerian grows to more than 1 meter high and bears feathery flowers in all shades between light pink and white. It blooms from May to September.
Only when dried does the special valerian smell that cats love so much develop.