Nobilin Lyco®
33,90€ Base price 459,35€ / kg
60 Stück pro PackungPackungsgewicht für 73.8
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33,90€ Base price 459,35€ / kg
60 Stück pro PackungPackungsgewicht für 73.8
-15%3 KAUFEN
Refined rapeseed oil, gelatin, ascorbic acid, polyphenol-containing green tea extract (8.5%), lycopene-containing tomato extract (8.1%), humectant: glycerin, proanthocyanidin content
Grape seed extract (4.3%), flavonoid-containing citrus fruit extract (2.9%), emulsifier: glycerol monostearate, RRR-alpha-tocopherol concentrate, natural carotenoids
[from Dunaliella salina] (0.5 %), stabilizer: beeswax yellow, humectant: sorbitol, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, colorants: iron oxides and hydroxides and
Sodium copper chlorophyllin, sodium selenite
vitamin C | 120mg |
Green tea dry extract | 100mg |
Grape seed dry extract | 50mg |
Citrus bioflavonoids | 20mg |
Vitamin E | 15 mg α-TE |
natural carotenoids (including alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein) | 6mg |
lycopene-containing tomato extract | 6mg |
selenium | 20 µg |
Take one capsule once daily with sufficient liquid during a meal.
Soft gel capsule
Soft gel capsules are particularly easy to digest. Their ingredients are dissolved in oil so that the body can use them optimally and absorb them in the greatest possible purity. Because they have a soft and flexible surface, they are pleasant to swallow. The soft gel capsules also protect the ingredients particularly well from moisture and atmospheric oxygen. However, if you have problems with the size of the capsule, you can warm the soft gel capsule slightly between your palms shortly before consumption so that the surface becomes even more flexible and consumption with plenty of water is more pleasant. If that doesn't work, you can also carefully pierce the capsule shell and suck out the oily capsule contents or stir it into a cold liquid or food.You haven’t been living a particularly healthy life lately? Professional or private stress, poor sleep, an unbalanced diet, and the consumption of nicotine and too much alcohol weaken the immune system and accelerate aging. Environmental toxins also promote the formation of aggressive molecular components, so-called free radicals. Free radicals cause oxidative stress and thus throw your organism out of balance. They can damage your cells and are involved in the aging process.
If you supplement your diet with Nobilin Lyco ® supplemented, you supply your body with eleven beneficial natural vital substances. The formulation of this high-quality preparation combines secondary plant substances with essential vitamins. The secondary plant substances include, for example, lycopene from tomato extract and citrus bioflavonoids from tropical fruits. Both active ingredients are famous for their strong antioxidant effect and effectively support you in the defense against free radicals.
One soft gel capsule Nobilin Lyco® contains 120 mg of vitamin C, 100 mg of dry extract from green tea, 50 mg of dry extract from grape seeds, 20 mg of citrus bioflavonoids and 15 mg of natural vitamin E. Our high-quality dietary supplement also provides 6 mg of natural carotenoids (α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin). The carotenoid lycopene, which is particularly effective as an antioxidant, is included in an additional amount of 6 mg in Nobilin Lyco and gives our recipe its name. The preparation is rounded off with 20 µg of selenium.
Good to know: The high-quality combination of secondary plant substances and important vitamins complete the Nobilin Lyco formula. Nobilin Lyco ® is also a component of our bestseller Nobilin Premium, the particularly comprehensive and high-quality dietary supplement with 31 vital substances.
Nobilin Lyco contains high-quality secondary plant substances. Secondary plant substances are valuable natural substances. They include, for example, Carotenoids, glucosinolates, sulfides or Phytoestrogens. Not only do they support and protect plants, they also have a positive effect on the human organism. Their outstanding properties include their antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The addition of "secondary" is therefore a little misleading, because many studies have now confirmed that secondary plant substances are not essential to life, but are far more important for maintaining health than was long assumed. From the large family of secondary plant substances, the secondary plant substances contained in tomatoes (lycopene), red wine (OPC) and green tea have stood out in particular. It is now considered certain that many people lead particularly healthy lives because these foods are often on their menu.
Six carotenoids play a special role in the human organism: α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene, β-cryptoxanthin, Lutein and Glycerin. Almost all of them act as antioxidants and are said to have a preventive effect against arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, rheumatism, cataracts and skin aging. Of all dietary carotenoids, lycopene has the greatest antioxidant potential. Its effect against free radicals is said to be ten times stronger than that of vitamin D. The frequent consumption of (cooked) tomatoes in southern countries is therefore considered to be one reason for the positive effect of the Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular diseases. Its special molecular structure makes Lycopene so unique and a particularly effective antioxidant. One of the most aggressive radicals in particular - the so-called singlet oxygen - is very effectively neutralized by lycopene.
Ingredients in green tea also make it a particularly strong antioxidant. Numerous studies have now shown that regular consumption of green tea or green tea extracts has health-promoting and preventive effects. These effects are mainly due to the particularly abundant epigallocatechin gallate in green tea. But other active ingredients also make green tea so healthy, such as catechins, which are secondary plant substances, and the amino acid L-theanine.
Green tea contains secondary plant substances such as catechins. A particularly important substance is one with the tongue-twisting name epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG for short). Together with other vital substances, it gives green tea its health-promoting properties.
Dietary supplements containing green tea and green tea extract.
According to legend, a Chinese emperor liked to drink hot water. One day the wind blew some leaves into his hot drink. The emperor tried the green brew and was delighted by its invigorating effect. This is how green tea is said to have been discovered 5,000 years ago. Green tea has a long tradition in Asia. The so-called tea ceremony in honor of a guest is said to bring people into harmony with nature. One indication of the positive properties of green tea were studies which showed that tea ceremony masters are particularly healthy. Green and black tea are made from the same plant, the botanical name of which is Camellia sinensis. But what is the difference between green and black tea? Black tea is nothing more than fermented green tea. Shortly after the delicious properties of tea were discovered by Europeans, it began to be fermented, as this was the only way it could survive the sometimes very long sea voyages without spoiling.
Fermentation makes black tea last longer, but the important flavonoids, which include epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), are destroyed. Flavonoids give plants their typical color and at the same time protect them from harmful environmental influences. Many flavonoids are also highly potent antioxidants that can effectively neutralize free radicals. The taste of green tea may take some getting used to for the European palate, but anyone who wants to benefit from the positive properties of green tea should drink at least four cups a day. If that's too much for you, you can also take EGCG with green tea extracts.
What is particularly interesting about red wine from a health perspective are the oligomeric proabthocyanidin complexes, or OPC for short. These are compounds that belong to the group of polyphenols. They are found in vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and, of course, in red wine. They are found in particularly high concentrations in grape seeds, so you can enjoy these active ingredients even without consuming alcohol.
Grapes are the fruit of the grapevine, a climbing plant that is one of our oldest cultivated plants. There are around 16,000 varieties of grapes. And of course, grapes are enjoyed as cool fruit in the summer or, after the fermentation process, as liquid wine. Studies have long been carried out that claim that wine has a positive effect on health when consumed in moderation. The polyphenols contained in grape skins are said to have a positive effect on blood lipid levels. Keyword: French paradox.
These are secondary plant substances from the group of polyphenols with enormous antioxidant potential. It is 20 times greater than that of vitamin E and 50 times greater than that of vitamin C. Our skin in particular is exposed to the attack of so-called free radicals every day. They not only destroy the skin cells themselves, but also attack the fiber proteins that keep our skin firm and ensure that the skin cells are supplied with oxygen and nutrients in blood vessels. As a result, the skin loses fluid, oxygen and nutrients and ages more quickly. Those who constantly expose their skin to the sun, smoke, consume excessive amounts of alcohol and lead a hectic life are practically inviting skin aging through oxidative stress.
Tagesdosis (1 Soft-Gel-Kapsel) enthält:
Vitamin C: 120 mg; Grünteeextrakt: 100 mg; Traubenkernextrakt: 50 mg; Zitrusbioflavonoide: 20 mg; natürliches Vitamin E: 15 mg α-TE; natürliche Carotinoide (dazu zählen Alpha-Carotin, Beta-Carotin, Zeaxanthin und Lutein): 6 mg; natürliches Lycopin aus Tomatenextrakt: 6 mg; Selen: 20 µg
Tomatoes Lycopene from natureDon't give radicals a chanceYou haven't been living a particularly healthy life lately? Work-related or private stress, poor sleep, an unbalanced diet and the consumption of nicotine and too much alcohol weaken the immune system and accelerate aging. Environmental toxins also promote the formation of aggressive molecules, so-called free radicals. Too many free radicals cause oxidative stress and thus throw your organism out of balance. They can damage your cells and are involved in the aging process.
Lycopene plus moreNobilin Lyco provides you with eight beneficial ingredients. The formulation of this high-quality preparation combines secondary plant substances with the essential vitamins C and E as well as the trace element selenium. The secondary plant substances include, for example, lycopene from tomato extract and citrus bioflavonoids from citrus fruit extract.
Sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe sind wertvolle Natursubstanzen. Zu ihnen zählen beispielsweise Carotinoide, Polyphenole, Sulfide, Phytosterole oder Pythoöstrogene. Sie unterstützen und schützen nicht nur Pflanzen, sondern wirken auch günstig auf den menschlichen Organismus. Zu ihren herausragenden Eigenschaften gehören ihre antioxidativen, antibakteriellen und entzündungshemmenden Effekte. Der Zusatz „sekundär“ ist also ein wenig irreführend, denn viele Untersuchungen bestätigen inzwischen: Sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe sind zwar nicht lebensnotwendig, aber weitaus wichtiger für den Erhalt der Gesundheit, als lange angenommen wurde. Aus der großen Familie der sekundären Pflanzenstoffe haben sich insbesondere die in Tomaten (Lycopin), Rotwein (OPC) und grünem Tee (EGCG) enthaltenen sekundären Pflanzenstoffe hervorgetan. Inzwischen gilt als gesichert, dass viele Menschen besonders gesund leben, weil diese Lebensmittel häufig auf ihrem Speiseplan stehen.
Carotinoide bilden eine umfangreiche Klasse natürlich vorkommender fettlöslicher Pigmente (von lateinisch pigmentum „Farbe, Färbestoff“). Sie kommen in den Chromoplasten von pflanzlichen Organismen vor und geben vielen Pflanzen und Früchten ihre Farbe. Carotinoide können auch in Tieren vorgefunden werden, zu deren Nahrung farbstoffhaltige Pflanzenteile gehören. Im menschlichen Organismus spielen folgende Carotinoide eine besondere Rolle: α-Carotin, β-Carotin, Lycopin, Lutein und Zeaxanthin.
Von allen Nahrungscarotinoiden hat Lycopin das größte antioxidative Potenzial. Der häufige Verzehr von (gekochten) Tomaten in südlichen Ländern gilt daher als ein Grund für die günstige Auswirkung der mediterranen Kost auf das Herz-Kreislauf-System. Seine besondere Molekülstruktur macht Lycopin so einzigartig und zu einem besonders effektiven Antioxidans. Vor allem eines der aggressivsten Radikale – der sogenannte Singulett-Sauerstoff – wird von Lycopin neutralisiert.
Gesundheitlich interessant am Rotwein sind vor allem die in den Traubenkernen enthaltenen Oliogemeren Proanthocyanidine, kurz OPC. Es handelt sich dabei um Verbindungen, die zur Gruppe der Polyphenole gehören. Sie kommen in Gemüse, Obst, Nüssen, Samen und eben in roten Trauben vor. In besonders hoher Konzentration sind sie in Traubenkernen enthalten.
Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden sind keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Ständig arbeitet der Organismus daran, fit zu bleiben und sich gegen schädliche Eindringlinge zur Wehr zu setzen. Zu solchen gehören Freie Radikale. Dabei handelt es sich um sauerstoffhaltige Moleküle, in deren chemischer Struktur ein Elektron fehlt. Daher sind Freie Radikale auf der Suche nach einem passenden Elektron und attackieren intakte Moleküle, um sie quasi zu berauben. Zunächst einmal ist dieser Oxidation genannte Elektronen-Raub etwas ganz alltägliches. Übersteigt die Anzahl Freier Radikale jedoch ein gewisses Maß gerät der Körper unter oxidativen Stress. Anhaltender Stress begünstigt eine große Anzahl an Beschwerden, Krankheiten und verringert die Leistungsfähigkeit. Nobilin Lyco® versorgt mit verschiedenen sekundären Pflanzenstoffe, Vitamin C, Vitamin E und Selen. All diese Stoffe ergänzen sich und helfen dem Körper bei der Abwehr Freier Radikale. Die Inhaltsstoffe sind in Öl gelöst und daher optimal verfügbar.
Sie können Nobilin Lyco® in der empfohlenen Dosis dauerhaft einnehmen.
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