Silica + Biotin
14,90€ Base price 239,17€ / kg
120 Stück pro PackungPackungsgewicht für 62.3
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14,90€ Base price 239,17€ / kg
120 Stück pro PackungPackungsgewicht für 62.3
-15%3 KAUFEN
Silica (67.4%); hydroxypropylmethylcellulose; filler: microcrystalline cellulose; D-biotin; release agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids; colorant: iron oxides and hydroxides
Silica | 700mg |
Biotin | 400 µg |
Stir into cold and warm foods or drinks and consume.
Take one capsule twice daily with sufficient liquid during meals.
The capsule shell is made of gelatin or cellulose and is suitable for the absorption of powders, granules and liquid ingredients. Take the capsule with plenty of water. The ingredients in the capsules are well protected from contamination and it is guaranteed that they are absorbed by the body in the greatest possible purity.Silica is considered a true beauty product from nature. Our ancestors already used this natural remedy to relieve a variety of complaints such as skin diseases and hair loss. Silica is obtained by depositing diatoms in the soil. These microscopic algae are found in all bodies of water on earth. After the algae die, a thick layer of deposits of their non-decomposable shells remains as silica. The most important component of this lime-like substance is silicon (a component of silicic acid). This trace element is, alongside oxygen, the most common element on earth and is used by nature whenever connective tissue needs to be built up. Plants absorb it from the soil through their roots. Humans can also benefit from the mineral. In addition to biotin, silicon supports the formation of strong finger joints, the growth of shiny hair and the development of firm skin. Silicon is also involved in the formation of bone and cartilage tissue. With increasing age and with an unbalanced diet, the silicon content in the body decreases and the elasticity and resilience of the connective tissue decreases. Silicon must therefore be absorbed through food. Silicon suppliers such as whole grain products and vegetables should be on the menu regularly. However, since many vital substances are lost through industrial processing of food, an additional intake of silica in the form of capsules or powder is recommended.
What the nails show
Age spots are usually harmless. They develop with increasing age. Sometimes they are congenital. However, individual furrows can also indicate skin diseases or rheumatoid arthritis.
White spots or Points often occur due to small falls or injuries. They are relatively harmless.
Spoon nails : If the nail plate is dented like a spoon and bent upwards at the front, iron deficiency, vitamin C deficiency or a thyroid or metabolic disorder is suspected.
Chipping nail edges : Similar to brittle nails. Also keratinization disorders caused by zinc and vitamin B deficiency.
Yellow, crumbly nails : Be careful, nail fungus. Very contagious. Must be treated.
Pinhead-sized grooves : Intruders can indicate incipient psoriasis.
Cross grooves can indicate an iron or biotin deficiency. They can also indicate poisoning or disorders of the liver, kidneys or intestines. If the grooves do not disappear, a doctor should be consulted.
Soft, brittle nails : If not caused by chemicals, nail polish or nail polish remover, it may be due to a deficiency in biotin, iron or calcium, or a thyroid dysfunction.
There are many other manifestations. Color and shape changes that cannot be attributed to other influences should be shown to the doctor. This is especially true for brown-black or yellow-white nail changes or nail plates that are completely or partially peeling off. In addition to the face and hair, fingernails are also an important public feature. They convey feelings such as affection and sympathy to other people. Nails play a major role in the impression people make on others. As early as 1844, the Frankfurt neurologist Heinrich Hoffmann described what can be seen on the fingers in his children's book "Der Struwwelpeter". In rebellion against his parents, Struwwelpeter no longer allows his nails to be cut. Even today, unkempt fingernails are a sign that someone is neglecting themselves. If someone chews on them, you can tell that they have big problems. Long, painted fingers still represent women who do not have to work with their hands. But such things have become so natural to us that we no longer think about them. We cut, file or paint our nails without paying much attention to them. But it is worth "looking at the soul" because a lot about the state of the body and soul can be read from the nails.
Skin, hair and nails are the Disease detection system of the body itself. For centuries, no doctor could avoid taking a diagnostic look at it. In ancient China, the quality of a doctor was measured by how many of his patients were healthy. His job was therefore to prevent anyone from becoming ill. He also used fingernail diagnosis for this purpose. Traditional Chinese Medicine relies on recognizing signs of illness as early as possible. No wonder, then, that the methods of visual diagnosis - looking at and interpreting physical characteristics - are so well developed in Chinese medicine. But even in our latitudes, a good doctor often looks very closely at his patient's eyes, tongue and fingers before moving on to further diagnostic steps.
The hand is considered to be a reflection of certain diseases. Gout or rheumatic diseases, for example, are the first to show their signs here. The finger joints are particularly revealing: from an incorrect or unbalanced diet to heart or lung diseases, psoriasis and, of course, fungal infections, a wide range of diseases can be seen, even if they may not have made themselves felt yet.
If you also consider illnesses as an expression of the soul, you can also tell from the fingernails how happy, balanced and content someone was at a certain time, because the nail is only present for a very precisely definable period of time. A nail grows from top to bottom out of the nail bed in six to nine months. If, for example, you find a distinctive spot on a certain part of the nail, you can date it back to a certain point in time and assign it to a related event, illness or drastic change.
Like hair, nails grow constantly. Nails grow an average of three millimeters per month. Under certain circumstances, they grow faster, for example when you are recovering from an injury or if you have an overactive thyroid. Nails therefore clearly indicate your physical condition. Like hair, which can also tell you a lot about a person's state of health, nails are made of a horny substance called keratin. Keratin is formed by the cells of the nail bed, to which the nail is firmly attached. The nail looks like a dense network of hairs that are nourished by small thorns. The underside of the nail plate is slightly fused to the finger, and the nail root extends a little deeper into the finger. Not only are the fingertips crisscrossed by numerous nerves and veins, which make the fingers so sensitive and also sensitive to pain, but the nail root and the underside of the nail plate are also closely connected to the bloodstream and the nervous system.
Diseases of the body can affect the blood supply and the function of the nerves. This has a visible effect on the fingers, especially on their growth. Depending on the type of disease, different changes occur in the finger joints. They can change their shape, color or stability. Poisoning can leave its mark, as can serious infections, metabolic disorders or rheumatic diseases. Psychological injuries can also leave their mark.
Healthy fingernails look pink, are undamaged, free of impurities and grow normally into their nail bed. If you notice changes in your fingers, this does not necessarily indicate illness. Heavy smoking, the use of nail polish and nail polish remover, and everyday influences such as minor injuries, contact with chemicals, frequent contact with water or typing on keyboards can also leave their mark.
A lack of certain minerals or vital substances is also often the cause of changes. For example, taking silica and biotin can reduce the risk of calloused fingers. If you notice a change in your nails, inform your GP, dermatologist or alternative practitioner.
There is another way of gaining information from the fingers. Like the lines on the palm of the hand, the finger gels also tell spiritual people something about the person in question. Unlike in the medical view, the finger gels here do not so much indicate the state of food intake, i.e. deficiencies, poisoning, mistakes or illnesses. Rather, they give spiritual people information about the state of experiences that a person has had in their life, both mentally and physically. Since nutrition in the broadest sense is also an experience that we and our bodies have, medical and spiritual views are not as far apart as one might think. According to this idea, fate or an inner program that a person follows is also reflected in the nerves. According to this theory, every hand (left or right) and every finger has a specific meaning. Depending on which finger a sign is visible on, its meaning can be interpreted. Together with the period over which the fingernail grows, this not only allows the past to be interpreted, but also the future to be predicted with precision, according to the "fingernail readers". The left hand represents the unconscious program that people follow, the right hand represents implementation and action. Here are some examples of interpretation, which can, however, be interpreted differently by each spiritual “nail interpreter”.
Silica : The silicon from the silicic acid helps against burning fingernails.
Biotin : It strengthens the nails and counteracts burning nails.
Vitamin B complex : A deficiency can lead to brittle nails, so care should be taken to ensure an adequate supply of vitamin B.
Calcium : It can strengthen nails.
Vitamin C : A good supply of vitamin C supports nail health.
Iron : Chronic iron deficiency can lead to weak, flat or twisted nails or brittle fingernails.
Zinc : Zinc is important for healthy and strong nails. White spots can be eliminated by taking zinc. Zinc deficiency leads to horizontal wrinkles, the so-called Beau's lines.
Coenzyme Q10 supports the skin's ability to regenerate. The skin on the hands is particularly exposed to solar radiation. Q10 acts as a radical scavenger and supports the skin's defenses.
Borage is an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are important for the formation of new skin cells.
Krill oil contains important nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and astaxanthin, which can support nail health. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body, which can help prevent brittle and fragile nails. Astaxanthin, in turn, can promote blood circulation and cell metabolism, which can lead to stronger and healthier nails.
The daily intake of silica + biotin makes an important contribution to strengthening nails from the inside out. Silica is a natural product and is obtained from the shells of diatoms. Together with the B vitamin biotin, it provides important building blocks for skin and hair and can thus support beauty from within. Silica is a natural product and is considered a real beauty product from nature. It is obtained from the shell tissue of diatoms and provides us with the silicon that is so valuable for our nails. This supports the body in the construction, growth and strengthening of nails. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that belongs to the group of B vitamins. Since it is also involved in the renewal of hair and supporting the structure of the skin, it is also known as vitamin H (H = skin, hair).
Good to know: Silica + Biotin can be combined very well with the products of the beauty series.
Be patient, because nails grow slowly! The complete renewal of a nail can take up to half a year. We therefore recommend long-term use of silica + biotin.
Tagesdosis (2 Kapseln) enthält:
Kieselerde: 700 mg; Biotin: 400 µg
Silica + biotin - for beautiful skin and shiny hairBeauty and charismaSilica + biotin - for beautiful skin and shiny hair. We have known for a long time that true beauty comes from within. In addition to a good character and a friendly temperament, there are of course other physical characteristics that are generally considered attractive: a smooth, radiant complexion, shiny hair and strong, shimmering fingernails, for example. To ensure that you are in top shape, an adequate supply of the B vitamin biotin and silica is extremely helpful. Because brittle and fragile nails, thin and split hair and dry and gray skin are not uncommon symptoms of a biotin deficiency.
Beauty substance biotin aka vitamin HBiotin, vitamin H, is a component of many key enzymes in the metabolism and plays an important role in the renewal of nails, skin and hair. Because it ensures their healthy growth, it is also called "vitamin H". The trace element silicon, which is abundant in silica, in turn gives the connective tissue of your skin firmness and elasticity. With silica and biotin you are using the two "beauty substances" par excellence.
Kieselerde ist ein sorgfältig gereinigtes Naturprodukt aus Ablagerungen des Urmeeres und gilt als wahres Schönheitsmittel von innen. Sie wird aus dem Schalengehäuse der Kieselalgen (Diatomeen) gewonnen und enthält reichlich Silicium. Silicium ist ein natürliches Strukturelement. Du findest es eigentlich überall dort, wo eine Kombination von Festigkeit und Elastizität erzielt wird. Dein Körper benötigt Silicium im Bindegewebe von Haut, Knochen, Knorpel, Sehnen sowie Gefäßwänden.
Biotin wird auch Vitamin B7 oder volkstümlich Vitamin H genannt und zählt zum Vitamin-B-Komplex. Das wasserlösliche Vitamin ist in jeder Zelle des Körpers zu finden, denn es ist Bestandteil vieler Schlüsselenzyme des Stoffwechsels. So ist Biotin am Auf- und Abbau von Fettsäuren und am Abbau von Aminosäuren beteiligt. Ebenso ist es Bestandteil eines Enzyms, das im Glucosehaushalt eine bedeutende Funktion ausübt: Es sorgt dafür, dass im Körper stets genügend Glucose neu gebildet wird, damit auch im Hungerzustand aus körpereigenen Reserven genügend Glucose für die überlebenswichtigen Funktionen bereitsteht. Biotin ermöglicht außerdem ein normales Wachstum von Zellen, ist wichtig für das Nervensystem und psychische Funktionen. Alkohol- sowie Zigarettenkonsum oder die Einnahme bestimmter Medikamente (z.B. Antibiotika) verschlechtern die Biotinversorgung des Körpers. Reich an Biotin ist Eigelb, wohingegen das im rohen Eiklar enthaltene Avidin die Aufnahme von Biotin durch den menschlichen Körper verhindert. Daher kommt es bei langfristiger Aufnahme von rohen Eiern zum Biotinmangel.
Nennenswerte Mengen an Biotin liefern u.a. Leber, Champignons, Eigelb, Hefe, Sojabohnen, Nüsse und Haferflocken.
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) führt in einer Tabelle auf, wie hoch die Schätzwerte für eine angemessene Zufuhr an Biotin je nach Alter sein sollte. Ab dem 15. Lebensjahr liegt die Empfehlung für Frauen wie Männer bei 30 bis 60 µg.
Wenn Du Dich an die Dosierungsempfehlung hältst, kannst Du Kieselerde + Biotin dauerhaft einnehmen. Achte aber auf Deinen Körper und hole Dir lieber einen ärztlichen Rat zu viel als zu wenig.
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