Curcuminoids are poorly soluble in water and are therefore only absorbed to a small extent by the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability The bioavailability of curcuminoids – the amount of the active ingredient that is actually available to the body after consumption – is therefore low. By dissolving them in oil or by heating them, the bioavailability of the health-promoting dye is significantly increased. However, the addition of Piperine (a component of the black pepper ). In combination with piperine, the bioavailability of curcuma increases by 2000 percent.
The recommended minimum dose per day is 500 mg.
Medicom offers you premium quality turmeric in its Terra natural line. The maximum amount recommended per day by the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) is 3 g of turmeric powder from the dried rootstock.
The easy-to-open Medicom Curcuma capsules each contain 250 mg of high-quality turmeric with 95 percent effective curcuminoids and 2.5 mg of black pepper extract with 95 percent piperine. Take one capsule with plenty of liquid at least twice a day with your meals. Curcuma is generally considered to be very well tolerated.
Curcuma is a useful part of the daily diet. High-quality nutritional supplements such as Curcuma from MEDICOM