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14,90€ Base price 1.947,71€ / kg
30 Stück pro PackungPackungsgewicht für 7.65
-15%3 KAUFEN
Cranberry extract with proanthocyanidins (56.9%), hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Lactobacillus acidophilus
[microencapsulated] (10.8 %), release agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids
Cranberry extract | 145mg |
of which proanthocyanidins (PAC) | 36.25mg |
Lactobacillus acidophilus | 27.5 mg (2.5 billion CFU) - |
Stir into cold and warm foods or drinks and consume.
Vegetarian capsule
The vegetarian capsule shell is made of cellulose and is suitable for the absorption of powders, granules and liquid ingredients. Take the capsule with plenty of water. The ingredients in the capsules are well protected from contamination and it is ensured that they are absorbed by the body in the greatest possible purity.The large-fruited cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) or craneberry is also known outside of the USA and Canada primarily as the cranberry. The plant is an evergreen dwarf shrub that spreads along the ground with creeping branches. As the thin branches grow quickly and without limit, over time a carpet structure develops in which individual plants can no longer be recognized. The leaves have a leathery surface, are 1 to 2 cm long and taper to a point. Cherry-like fruits develop from the pink-white flowers, which contain air chambers. This makes them lighter than water. This property is used during harvesting by flooding the plantations, then separating the berries from the branches and picking them up floating on the surface of the water.
The cranberry comes from North America and was already valued by the indigenous people there. It prefers wet and acidic locations, such as raised bogs. Due to these special location factors, it was not able to spread widely. However, it can also be found in some German and Dutch bogs and also in England, where it occurs as a neophyte. Large areas of cultivation in Europe can be found in Latvia.
In culinary terms, the cranberry is particularly popular as a dried snack. It can be found in muesli or berry mixes. It is also suitable for making compote or juice. As an ingredient in baking, it is increasingly replacing raisins because it has a more bitter taste.
In addition to very high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A, cranberries also contain a lot of iron and plenty of polyphenols and flavonoids. Of particular interest are the proanthocyanidins, which act as powerful antioxidants. Consuming cranberry juice is recommended primarily to prevent cystitis, to boost the immune system and as a vegan source of iron. A guideline from the European Society of Urology mentions cranberry products as a mild alternative to antibiotics for the prevention of urinary tract infections.
May we introduce? The Cranberry (large-fruited Cranberry). Let us guide you through the realm of small berries and unusual power that nature has to offer us. The cranberry may be small, but it is in many ways O-ho!
Foods like lemonade, alcohol or chips contain hardly any nutrients but a lot of calories. The opposite is " superfoods ". They give you energy and strengthen your immune system without burdening you with carbohydrates. The cranberry is a very special fruit. It is rare to find so many valuable ingredients in such a small space. It is no wonder that the red fruit has conquered the palates of health-conscious connoisseurs in Germany over the last few years. In the past, the cranberry was a niche product in health food stores. At that time, it was generally sold as a red lingonberry or cultivated cranberry. However, the fruit, which comes from America, is more closely related to the blueberry, which, like the lingonberry, belongs to the heath family.This cranberry is an evergreen dwarf shrub that spreads along the ground with creeping branches. As the thin branches grow quickly and without limit, over time a carpet structure is created in which individual plants can no longer be recognized. The leaves have a leathery surface, are 1 to 2 cm long and taper to a point. The pink-white flowers develop into cherry-like fruits that contain air chambers. This makes them lighter than water, which is exploited during harvesting by flooding the plantations, then separating the berries from the branches and picking them up floating on the surface of the water.
The cranberry comes from North America. It prefers wet and acidic locations, such as raised bogs. Due to these special location factors, it has not been able to spread widely. However, it can also be found in some German and Dutch bogs and also in England, where it occurs as a neophyte. Large areas of cultivation in Europe can be found in Latvia.
In culinary terms, the cranberry is particularly popular as a dried snack. It can be found in muesli or berry mixes. It is also suitable for making compote or juice. As an ingredient in baking, it is increasingly replacing raisins because it has a more bitter taste.
What makes the small fruits so valuable, however, is their high content of Micronutrients . These include a lot of Iron and lots of vitamin C and A also vitamin B6 , pectins, Polyphenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins, which give the berry its color and a large part of its health benefits. Above all, however, cranberries contain Proanthocyanidins (PAC) – tannins that have a strong antioxidant effect and protect the organism from free radicals.
We offer you the power of the red berry in the form of a high-quality extract. Each capsule of cranberry contains 145 mg of the valuable active ingredients, including 36.25 mg of PAC, which support your health as powerful antioxidants. In addition to their ability to fight off free radicals, PAC have been proven to be anti-adhesive - they prevent certain bacteria from docking onto the mucous membranes by sticking their fimbriae together. To further enhance these positive effects, cranberry combines the ingredients of the cranberry with probiotic bacterial cultures. Each capsule - recommended daily dose - contains 25 mg Lactobacillus acidophilus .
Good to know : Pregnant women and women during and after menopause in particular benefit from the ingredients of cranberries, as their immune systems may be weakened.
Tagesdosis (1 Kapsel) enthält:
Cranberry-Extrakt: 145 mg, davon 25 % Proanthocyanidine (PAC) 36,25 mg; Lactobacillus acidophilus: 25 mg (2,5 Mrd. KBE)
Cranberries are real superfoods "The power of the red berry" Cranberries are considered a so-called superfood because of the vitamin C and proanthocyanidins they contain. The cranberry, also known as the lingonberry, may be small, but it is full of useful ingredients. It is no wonder that the cranberry fruit has won over numerous fans in Germany in recent years. Regardless of whether dried, fresh or cooked cranberries, all types of cranberries are heat-resistant, fruity and aromatic and taste great, even as juice, smoothie or tea. In the past, the cranberry was a niche product in health food stores. Cranberry products such as tablets, lozenges or mother juice were generally sold as red cranberries or cultivated cranberries. However, it is more closely related to the blueberry, which, like the lingonberry, belongs to the heather family.
Die Cranberry ist eine kirschgroße Beere, die auch als Kranbeere oder niederdeutsch Kraanbeere bekannt ist. Das bewährte Hausmittel zur Unterstützung der Blasenfunktion findet seinen Ursprung in Nordamerika. Dort kennt man das vitaminreiche Lebensmittel schon seit über 300 Jahren, unter der englischen Bezeichnung crane berries.
Die Cranbeerys, auch Moosbeeren, bevorzugen nasse und saure Standorte, wie zum Beispiel Hochmoore. Die immergrüne Cranberrypflanze besitzt dünne Zweige und breitet sich schnellwachsend, wie ein Teppich über den Boden aus. Die daran befindlichen etwa 2 Zentimeter großfrüchtigen Moosbeeren (Vaccinium macrocarpon) sind mit Luftkammern gefüllt und deshalb leichter als Wasser. Diesen Vorteil nutzen Farmer bei der Cranberryernte, indem sie die Anbaugebiete mit Wasser fluten. Die eigentliche Nassernte erfolgt erst am Tag darauf, mit Hilfe eines Rührbesens und einem künstlich erzeugten Wasserstrudel.
Viele Männer und Frauen schwören auf die wertgebenden Inhaltsstoffe der Cranberrys. Der präventive Schutz der Blasenfunktion, bietet einen optimalen Immun- und Zellschutz und stärkt die körpereigene Abwehr. Die gesunden Früchte beinhalten zahlreiche wichtige Vitamine, Mineralstoffe und Antioxidantien wie Proanthocyanidine. Neben der Fähigkeit, freie Radikale abzuwehren, verhindern die in der Cranberry enthaltenen PACs das Andocken bestimmter Bakterien an die Schleimhäute.
Getrocknete Cranberrys sind als gesunder Snack beliebt und eignen sich hervorragend für Müsli, Joghurt oder als Backzutat im Kuchen. Die vollmundige Beere ersetzt zunehmend die Rosine. Der leicht säuerlichen Note wegen verwendet man die Superfood-Beeren mit Vorliebe im Dessert mit frischen oder getrockneten Cranberries, als Kompott oder als Direktsaft. Im Internet gibt es viele raffinierte Cranberry-Rezepte für Marmelade, Muffins oder auch leckere herzhafte Rezepte, wie zum Beispiel Cranberry-Sauce.
Was macht die vollfruchtigen Superbeeren also so wertvoll? Es ist der besondere Gehalt an Mikronährstoffen und sekundären Pflanzenstoffen. Die Cranberrys liefern Vitamin C und A sowie Natrium und Kalium. Besonders zu erwähnen sind die wertvollen Anthocyane und Flavonoide. Von besonderem Interesse sind die wertgebenden Proanthocyanidine (PAC).
Du möchtest Cranberry kombiniert mit probiotischen Kulturen günstig online kaufen? Der hochwertige, standardisierte Cranberry-Extrakt in Cranberry von Medicom bietet Dir höchste Premium Qualität, ohne tierische Zusätze. Eine Kapsel liefert Dir 145 mg Cranberry-Extrakt und davon 36,25 mg PAC. In Cranberry wird der Cranberry-Extrakt mit probiotischen Bakterien kombiniert. Jede Kapsel – empfohlene Tagesdosis – enthält 25 mg Lactobacillus acidophilus. Jetzt Cranberry zum besten Preis direkt im Online-Shop bei Medicom bestellen.
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